Be found better in Google, where will you start?

“Our website attracts too few visitors.”
This is a statement that we regularly hear from the customer. The problem can be solved with advertisements to boost visitor numbers in the short term. Advertising is effective and targeted, but not the only thing you should think about. More patience is required for a long-term solution. Choose the right keywords, rewrite your pages and start blogging! Does your website also want to be found better in Google?
Determine your keywords
Not instant results, frustrating?
In our eyes, very interesting. We are working towards a goal of 'scoring' in the long term. You will really think about the expressions and texts of your company and your company will radiate how the organization really wants to be found. That is why it can actually have a positive effect.
When you look into Google Analytics after six months and see that there is an upward trend in website visitors, this naturally feels very good. That is why it certainly does not have to be frustrating, unless of course you have to achieve results in the short term. Well, then you have the option to set up advertisements!
Being found better in Google takes time
Of course, your web pages will not automatically attract more visitors. Rewriting your pages and blogging should certainly not be underestimated. Relevant content is time-intensive and a simple text is not easily made.
“How much time do you lose with a blog post?”
Another question that comes up regularly. To write quality content, you need to allocate at least 2-4 hours per blog post, at least that is our experience. Of course it differs per blog post. It is therefore necessary to consider whether you can make this time available, because consistency is important.
Blogging, blogging, blogging
Want to be found better in Google?
Feel free to contact us. Together we will see which keywords best suit each web page of your website. With the aim of being found better in Google.