Is your website in need of replacement? Check out our 4 signals.

12 Sep. 2022 | Blog

Is your website optimally designed? Or is your website in need of replacement? Questions that pass in review in every organization. Rightly so. In 2022, websites are more important than ever. It is no longer just the business card of your company, but nowadays it is also a tool to bring in leads & sales.

To get the most out of your website, we have drawn up 4 signals, so that you will notice whether or not you need to replace your website.

Signal 1 – Your website is attracting irrelevant visitors and leads are declining

Every sector has different objectives. Depending on your organization, leads and website visitors have a function that is essential. In short, your website is part of the strategy you have drawn up. When the website is no longer in line with your strategy, it is really time for renewal.

The first impression of your company should be good. After all, you only make a first impression once. Tune your site and socials to this as well. We recently helped our client with a completely new site. See the result below:



Signal 2 – There is no mobile version of your website

More and more visitors come in via a mobile device. This makes it important that your website is 'responsive', or user-friendliness on your mobile. If your website is mobile-friendly for 100%, it will also score extremely better in Google. Nowadays, the responsiveness of your website is indispensable and it is an essential part.

You can find the exact number of mobile visitors to your website in Google Analytics.

Signal 3 – Your website takes a very long time to load

The speed of your website is extremely important. Because nobody likes to wait. When a user has to wait a long time to open your website, the user clicks away and opens the competitor's site.

But perhaps even more important. The loading time is also a factor that will determine your Google ranking.

Signal 4 – High bounce rate

This can be a bad thing, but doesn't have to be the case. The bounce rate is calculated in the following way: users who visit one page divided by all sessions. So when you have a one pager it is logical that this percentage is high. But when your site is focused on clicking through to other pages, a high bounce rate is a reason to consider a new website.

Is your website in need of replacement?

Boris is ready for you. View his projects here and contact us to brainstorm about the optimal layout of your brand new site.

Some examples of our work.

See below several websites that we have created.