Two weeks ago we talked about how Google Assistant will soon be able to make phone calls for you. Handy, right?! But that will take some time until it is completely perfected and can be used. In addition, Apple users also have the beloved (perhaps not so for some) Siri. But which one is actually better? Series or Google Assistant?

Siri vs Google Assistant

To see how these different smart assistants measure up against each other, Siri versus Google Assistant have been pitted against each other. 


A digital assistant is mainly determined by a user's voice. That is why it is important to know when someone is speaking and to understand what is being said. Everyone has a word or phrase they listen to, like "OK, Google" or  "Hey Siri." This tells the digital assistant to listen and respond to what is said next. But if you have a very soft G, a big rolling R or don't like to shout, some assistants are better at understanding you than others. Google Assistant and Siri are both capable of recording what you say. Even when there is ambient noise. In terms of response time to queries, Google Assistant comes in at number 1. It consistently provides fast responses to requests. Although, Siri was close behind it. 


No matter which virtual assistant you use, they all support the same basic functions. Such as the ability to set calendar events, set alarms, make calls, send emails and messages for you and play music. But each also has its own quirks and special features that make them unique in their own way, just like us. Both Siri and Google Assistant use Google for searches. Google Assistant has an advantage for those who regularly use Google's search engine: it already knows a lot about you. Stalker much? It does mean that this is also perhaps the most personalized service. The natural Google Duplex voice system offers more natural communication with Google Assistant. Where we put it in our previous post also talked about.

Some of the features offered by the assistants are different depending on the platform they are used on. Google Assistant reads the news on a Home speaker. And Siri only likes to play music through Apple Music, while Google Assistant works fine with Spotify and music stored on your device. Another plus point for Google Assistant!


Clearly, the biggest difference between the major virtual assistants is what hardware and platforms they can integrate. Siri works well with Homepod speakers, Airpod headphones, and on devices like the iPhone and iPad. But you cannot use the device on an Android device or Windows PC. By comparison, Google Assistant is available on Android and iOS platforms, and with a few tweaks you can even run it on Windows or Linux. It also has compatible hardware options, such as the Google Home smart speaker and Chromecast. And it's gradually integrating with Chrome OS devices like the Google Pixelbook.


Google Assistant! That seems clear to us. Both virtual assistants have improved a lot in recent years. It can be seen that they are expanding their software capabilities and platform support. But Google Assistant seems to be developing the fastest and most effectively. Google Assistant is quite flawless on most platforms. And it certainly has the advantage of integrating with a number of Google's other services, it is versatile across platforms, which gives it the edge.