Diversity in advertising and media expressions

Diversity in advertising and media expressions I think we all remember Pepsi's terribly failed campaign with Kendall Jenner. In addition to Pepsi, there are many other brands that have a place in the list of monumental failures...

Do you trust Google with your medical data?

We work together with various companies including Korint MR. Korint is an employment agency for medical care personnel. In addition, we have already discussed Artificial Intelligence several times here on Korma. To bring these together, we want to delve deeper...

Siri vs Google Assistant

Two weeks ago we talked about how Google Assistant will soon be able to make phone calls for you. Handy, right?! But that will take some time until it is completely perfected and can be used. In addition, Apple users...

The future of influencers

Influencers After that, YouTube and Instagram have experienced tremendous growth over the past 6 years. Influencers have also become an indispensable part of the social media platform. For those who have really been living under a rock and don't know what an influencer...

Google Assistant calls on your behalf

Don't feel like calling yourself? Are you someone who doesn't like calling or always forgets what you had to ask? Or are you just too busy to wait in line until you get a company on the phone? Google has the solution there...

The new job application

Applying for a job The simple piece of paper with all your education, work experiences and perhaps some enhanced skills, what we also called a good CV 5 years ago, is now a bit old-fashioned and not really distinctive. With a nice email explaining why you want that job...